Sunday, April 30, 2006

This weekend

Not much to report these days. My new manager started last Monday and I think he's going to do a great job. Another of my staff gave one week's notice and her last day was last Friday. We'll probably start setting up interviews to replace her soon. I've received quite a few resumes but just have still been too swamped to set anything up yet.

Yesterday Doyle and I enjoyed sleeping in and then made some breakfast pizza. We hadn't made that in a while. It was good! Then we went to my office to kick off the month end reports. Someone has to do that once a month on the Saturday of close. My days should be numbered for having to do that. The new manager only lives maybe 10 minutes from the office. So that is really convenient for him.

Then Saturday afternoon we ran some errands. We ended up seeing a really cute park bench at BJ's. It was the least expensive one we've seen that was really cute and comfortable to sit in. So we got it. We'll put it out front by the door. Haven't decided which side of the door to put it on yet. Doyle wants to finish painting the house before we put it out there. All he has left to do with that is the front. Of course that will probably be the hardest because it's the tallest part of the house. He'll probably start on that this week. We've no doubt saved a boat load of money by having him paint it instead of hiring someone else to do it. I know he would not have wanted to tackle that kind of project on his days off if he had still been working. We've definitely gotten quite a few home improvements finished because he's had the time to do them.

One of the other projects we want to do next is beautify the back yard. We'll probably need to put down some grass squares in the places that are bare and hope the rest fills in. Since getting the sprinkler system fixed, the lawn has just looked gorgeous. I'm sorry we didn't do that sooner. So at least if we put the grass down, we can set the sprinklers in the back to water more often than any other areas. Plus with Doyle being home, he can keep Kit in the house while everything is wet back there. We may just turn that backyard into a sort of paradise yet!

This morning Doyle and I went to the Beaches Vineyard (Christian Fellowship) today. It was very similar to the Vineyard I belonged to in Austin. The band sounded really good and the people seemed like a cool crowd. With it being at the beach, there were several surfer dudes there of course and a lot of young 20, 30 and 40 somethings. We definitely thought we would come back. I've been wanting to check that place out since I moved here but just hadn't gone. There is another Vineyard downtown too. We may check that one out another time.

This afternoon I worked from home on a presentation that I have to give next Saturday. It covers the Insurance Administration department that I oversee now. I've been sweating it lately because it's coming up soon and I didn't have anything prepared for it. I've been saying I wanted to put together a short cheat sheet on insurance and just never did it. So today I finally put down on paper what I hope will be a useful tool for anyone wanting to understand insurance. Hopefully it'll work!

Okay, I'm ready to get of the computer for the night. Hope you all had good weekends!

1 comment:

Dossett's from Ohio said...

Sounds like you have done a lot of repairs. If Doyle you ever want to come to Ohio I have painting that needs done and I just know he would do a wonderful job!! LOL!! Hope things ease up on you soon with your job Aimee. When you get the bench out on the prch and all painted you will have to take some pictures. Take care,and as always we love you guys!! Love Ila