Sunday, April 09, 2006

Beware: Updated Toe Pics!

Okay, so the nail is almost off. It's only hanging on by just a little bit on the right side. I tried pulling on it a little and it just didn't want to come off so I decided to leave it. There's definitely no way I'm going to be able to put a sock on it now. It'll be bandaids till it comes off for good. I'm finally getting used to seeing it look disgusting. I'm grossing Doyle out with it though. Here are some pics, I hope you don't get grossed out too much. Just had to share... so you'll know you should always be EXTRA careful not to drop anything on your toes!

This is the most "pretty" picture of the toe. So if you are getting queezy looking at this, then you may not want to continue to look at the rest. If it makes you feel any better, it's not painful anymore. So that's good.

This is the next best picture. It's obvious it isn't hangin on by much. I guess when they said the nail would curl... it meant up and inward. I originally thought it would curl up and out on the ends. At least that didn't happen.

Yup, it's coming off and soon!

And here is a sneak peak at what it will look like underneath. It definitely could look a lot worse. I just PRAY it grows back! ugh!

1 comment:

Dossett's from Ohio said...

Nice looking toe nail there!! LOL!! When I lost my toenail mine came back you would never know I had lost it. Just takes awhile to grow back. It really don't look that bad now. Thanks for the update! Love Ila