Sunday, May 07, 2006

1st weekend in May

We just finished showering after working on the lawn this afternoon. It is so hot out there today. Kit got a bath too. So he's smelling nice.

Yesterday I had to give that presentation to the Qualification staff. I printed out 30 packets of info to hand out and didn't get back any extras. It was only supposed to run for 45 minutes but we ended up being there almost an hour and 20 minutes. When Olinka (the supervisor in my insurance department) and I walked out, she said she thought it went really well and I thought I felt like I had been raked over the coals! They just had so many questions. I'm just glad it's over. The new manager can present it the next time!

Okay, I really don't feel like being on the computer today so I'm going to keep this short. I hope you all had good weekends... talk to you soon!

1 comment:

Dossett's from Ohio said...

Sounds like quite a presentation. Yes let the new guy take over. Have a good week !! Hopefully things will get better for you now. Love Ila