Sunday, December 14, 2008

Intercoastal Kids Christmas Program 2008

This is Cade's daycare class. They held the program at a recreation park close to Ponte Vedra. It was after 6:30pm by the time it started. The kids were definitely tired! Cade's class "danced" to a Christmas song.
Here's a close up of Cade. I didn't get many still shots of him as I also held the camcorder to video it.
Cade is on the left.
Below is the 2 year old class.
Here are the rest of the pictures I was able to take before Cade had too much of a fit and we had to leave. He was so tired.
Aren't these little ballerinas too cute!

I will work on getting the video uploaded too.

Our NJ trip at the beginning of December!

We traveled to NJ to visit family at the beginning of December. Here are some pictures from our visit! It was really good to see everyone!
We visited Pop Pop at the nursing home. He was very excited to see us. We had a very good visit with him. We brought some of the paintings Pop Pop had painted to help decorate his room and maybe give him some inspiration to try and pick up the paintbrush again.
Cade did very well with Pop Pop.
Such a cute picture of Pop Pop and Cade.
We took Pop Pop for a walk. It was definitely pretty chilly outside. Pop Pop really seemed to enjoy it though.
Cousin Jeff made this sleigh for Ma. It sits out on her front lawn. Cade wasn't too sure about it.
Here is Ma and Mom Mom.
This bear is bigger than Cade!
Doyle found this hat in the attic. Cade loves hats.
Cade and G-Pa play a game.
Cade with the hat again!
Cade actually said "cheese" here.
Giddy-up horsey!
Here we are on our way home.

The next few pictures were actually taken before we left to go on our trip.
Cade is getting really good at feeding himself with a spoon.

Another feeding session and yes, what an outfit! Like I said, he loves hats!

Too stinkin' cute!

Like father like son!

Just chillin'
Going to work on the next post of Cade's first Christmas program at daycare!