Saturday, September 27, 2008

Our visit to Indiana & Ohio!!

While Doyle worked last week, Cade and I flew into Dayton, OH for a long weekend! Cade had a blast! The lesson I learned was not to take connecting flights with an 18 month old by myself!! That was too draining for sure! Enjoy the pics!

"Auntie" Velva met us at the airport and thank goodness she did! We had a terrible time with getting a vehicle with a car seat. It worked out okay in the end. It was a huge help that she was there to help occupy Cade's attention while I was messing around with the car seats! She also brought along a TON of baked goods from where she works "Big Sky Bake Company" or something like that. Sorry if I got that wrong!

Grandma was able to take Friday off from work so we got to hang out with just her for most of the morning. I always like to walk around the yard whenever I make it home. It was a lot of fun this time since Cade could run around by himself.

My cousin Bernie, her husband Chad and their daughter Avery came over Friday evening. Cade loved hanging out and playing with his cousin Avery! He was very disappointed after they left!

Grandma put down some pillows and it only took a few minutes before Cade fell fast asleep in this position.

Saturday morning we enjoyed some more baked goods. Did I tell anyone how much weight I had gained at my doctors appointment when I got back into town? I'm blaming it on all the yummy food I ate that weekend!

Saturday we drove up to Aunt Ila & Uncle Butch's house. We had a lot of visitors come to see us! Aunt Sharon, Uncle Dewey, Cousin Jorjia, Cousin Charlie, Aunt Lola were all there plus me and Cade, mom and dad and of course Aunt Ila & Uncle Butch!

Cade loved running around the yard.

Cade & Grandpa

Cade finally took a nap for the first time all weekend I think!
Cade and Grandma had fun playing in the kitchen.
Grandpa putting Cade's jammies on him.
Cade and Grandma playing with toys.
Okay, that's it for now! Today we are heading to a 3 year old's birthday party at the park. Should be fun! I'm sure I'll have pictures to post later of that. Have a great weekend! We will!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

The Cooper side of the family comes to visit!

Diane came down right before we went to NC so that she could watch Kit and Snickers for us. Then when we came home, Ma was here as well. That next week was my busy week at work. So it was a great help that Diane and Ma were here, especially since that was the first week I started feeling sick! A few days later Chip flew in as well. Here are some pictures from their visit.

How cute is this picture?

Their condo has this really neat little water area for the little kids.

And there was no one at the big pool either. I wish I had had my swimsuit! The water felt so good!

The Dragers came for a visit to see Ma as well.

Back to the condo, Cade loves the bubbles.

Cade says have a good weekend!

July 4th at the Villano's in Charlotte, NC !!!

Okay, okay, I know everyone has been "patiently" waiting for me to feel better so that I could get back to blogging! Monday I'll be 16 weeks and I think I'm finally nearing the end. Yesterday I felt pretty good even though I did lose some of my supper when brushing my teeth before going to bed. If I can feel pretty good throughout the day, I'll take the gagging when brushing as best I can. So now I'll go back and show everyone what we've been up to over the past few months!

We went to the Villano's over the July 4th weekend. It was right after we got home that I started feeling sick! That timing could not have been better! Here are some pics from that weekend! We had so much fun and can't wait to do it again!

Jim, Chris & Doyle with Cade... the boys are all grown up!

Cade and Ethan going for a ride

Ethan, Cade & Connor kicked back at the park.

It rained before the fireworks on the 4th. Cade didn't get his nap and he was tired.

We had SO much fun playing Rock Band! It has to be said that on our last night there, the girls challenged the guys to a play off and it should be no surprise that the girls won!! I don't have any still shots of the girls playing but I was on drums, Heather sang and Melissa played guitar. That was more fun than I thought it would be!

Heather, Jim & Chris

The Villano's have a very nice backyard and Cade was enjoying himself!

bouncy house and all!

Ethan was a little apprehensive at first about going in, but once he got there he loved it!

Cade wasn't thrilled. He stayed in for about as long as it took for me to take this picture.

Chris & Melissa in Jim & Heather's beautiful kitchen. The rest of the house was great too!

Could these kids have gotten any closer to the TV?

Katarina & Cade

Ethan was too cute with this bowl on his head!

We went boating the day before the 4th on the Villano's new boat. It was very nice!

Ethan was so sweet. He liked hugging and giving kisses to Cade.

That's it for now! Cade has reached his limit on how long he's going to allow me to be on here. I've got some shopping planned for today. But I'll definitely "try" and get back on here to update more later. :)