Sunday, September 24, 2006

Our new Roof!

We've been meaning to get a new roof for awhile now, but since Doyle received a job offer from NetJets and with the baby on the way, we figured now was as good a time as any to get this taken care of. They are started on Monday and were finished by Friday. Here are just a couple of pictures of the finished product.

And we couldn't leave out this pic of Snickers Doyle took over the weekend too. He doesn't usually sit here like this for no reason, which is why we thought it was so funny.

We are heading to the store to get groceries and then watching the Jags game @ Indy. Go Jaguars! If they actually win this game... they could be considered a favorite to make it to the SuperBowl! They did beat last years SuperBowl winner, The Steelers, last week. So you never know!

Have a good rest of your weekend.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

15th Week Appt

Today we went to see the doctor again for our normally scheduled appointment. I have officially gained 1 pound! To look at me without clothes on though, you would swear I had gained more. Not that you are going to get that chance though! :)

They took blood and checked my vitals as usual. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat again and it sounded really good. My next appointment will be in another 4 weeks. That's when we get the next ultrasound. The doctor told us today that as long as I don't have any out of the ordinary symptoms or pain, then this will be our last ultrasound. As long as we can hear the heartbeat at each appointment, that's good enough for me. I'm thinking about getting one of those heart beat monitors. I've seen a few different ones online. They are kind of like a stethoscope you put on your tummy and have headphones so you can hear what's going on inside. That would be very reassuring to hear that everything is going as it should be.

You can check out our baby game poll at and type in "BabyCooper1" as the game name. There you will get to say what you think we we will be having and take part in some fun polls. There is also a message board for any baby chatting you feel like participating in.

Oh yes, we did purchase our tickets to head to NJ in November. So we are looking forward to seeing Doyle's side of the family then. We'll see my family over Christmas, but haven't purchased those tickets yet.

No other real news at this point. Just wanted to keep you all updated!

Love, Aimee

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Jaguars vs Cowboys

Last Sunday we were invited to be in Landstar's skybox for the first home game of the season. It was a REALLY good game! We thought for sure the Cowboys were going to win hands down, but our Jags really came through at the end of the 1st half and continued through the 2nd half. We were surprised at just how many Cowboy fans showed up. Here are some pics from the game. Doyle took these after the game was over. The stadium was actually sold out.


And for some really dumb reason, I still am not able to upload the changing table to the previous blog. So I'm uploading it here! Again, I couldn't find a picture of the black one online, but here it is in a different color. I think it'll really look sharp!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

It's Official!!!

We are expecting a little baby Cooper to come into the world around March 14th! So now everyone might understand why I haven't been updating the blog much over the past 3 months... I really haven't been feeling well! I'll be 14 weeks this next Wednesday. Yes, we are extremely excited... the grandparents are overjoyed... and we all just can't wait until this little one makes his/her arrival!!

Here are a couple of sonogram pictures from my 12th week appointment. A good friend at work scanned them for me. Just yet another item we need to get... one of those scanner, copier, printer combo machines! I've had my printer since 1997... so needless to say, it's probably done it's job and some more. It still works just fine as a printer, but it would be so nice to have the combo machine. Okay, enough about that... here is the cutie!!!

I think this is my favorite picture out of the two. It is so weird that you can clearly see the head, body, arms and legs! At this point in time, the books say the face is completely formed with all of its features. Everything is just miniature at this point. The baby is supposed to be as big as your little finger! Isn't it just amazing it can be that small but have so many details? This was the first appointment we could hear the heartbeat as well. It was amazing! The sonogram technician said it sounded like a very good strong heartbeat but that it was too early to say exactly how fast it was going. It was also too early to tell what the sex of the baby was at this point. They say you can tell around 18-20 weeks. We haven't yet decided as to whether we will find out or not. We will be thrilled with either sex obviously!

This one is a pretty good shot as well. You can see the head on the left with the legs on the right. He has his arms moving around and up by his head. Yes, I'm saying 'he' here only because I've already been reprimanded by my brother for calling it and 'it'! :)

At this point in time, I haven't gained any weight according to the scales, but it sure looks like I have around my belly. Apparently the weight just shifts to were it needs to be. I have already gone out and bought a size larger in some clothes. Most of my clothes 'just fit' to begin with so there wasn't much room for expansion.

I felt pretty good on Saturday. My boss had asked me on Friday if Doyle and I would like two box seat tickets to the Dallas Cowboys/Jacksonville Jaguars game on Sunday. Of course I said yes, I knew Doyle would be thrilled. The only caveat was that the tickets were being overnighted to our CFO's house on Saturday and we would have to pick them up from there. So Saturday he called to say the tickets had arrived. So we got ready and drove over there. And since we were out and about, decided to do some shopping. Well, look anyway.

We did find an oval dining room table at Pier 1 that we think would fit just fine in our dining room. I like the table we have in there now and all, but it just isn't very big. You have to squeeze to get 4 adults at that table and that is without any food being on the table. So it's just a pain. The only problem then is what to do with the table that is in there now? We really like it and don't want to get rid of it, especially if there is room for it in our next house. So that's one delima. Of course, the more think about it, the more we'll probably not get a new table. Because just as soon as we buy one, then we'll be moving into a bigger house and quite possibly have room for a much bigger table there. Oh well... I guess I can dream about it anyway! :)

We then headed into World Market. They had a really cute bedroom set that we would have liked but it only came in Queen and we have a King. Getting a bedroom set is pretty far down on our wish list at this point in time though. Mainly for the same reason as the dining room table... once we get in our next house, we might have more room for bigger furniture. So this one will definitely have to wait.

The third stop we made was to Babies-r-us. This was the 2nd time we had gone into this store. The first time we were pretty much only there for maybe 10 minutes. This time we took our time looking at the various cribs. And we finally found one that we both really liked! Below is the picture, only we are getting it in black. It looks extremely sharp in black.

Okay, so I also found a picture of the changing table that goes with this but this blog site isn't cooperating with me today and won't let me add anymore pictures. I'm going to go ahead and hit post and try to come back later to post the additional picture that I have. Again, if we had a scanner I could scan the brochure of the furniture set from the store. So anyway, check back later!

The Jags came starts today at 4:15pm. So we'll probably leave the house at 3pm or so to head over. We will be in the Landstar box with our CFO and his wife as well as one of the operating company presidents and his wife. The rest of the people there will be our customers. It should be a very snazy event and fully catered. Hopefully the people will be nice and we'll have a really great time. I'll be sure and let you know!

Love, Aimee