Saturday, March 31, 2007

Cade Cooper 3-15-07 !!!!

Okay, so I'm finally getting around to updating this blog! Cade Allen Cooper was born Thursday, March 15th at 10:32am by c-section. I had not progressed in dilating on my own and due to the size they were expecting him to be, we all decided a planned c-section was the way to go. At the doctor's appt the Friday before, they estimated him to be 8lbs 13oz's. He was actually born weighing 9lbs 4oz's and was 22 inches long. I think I may have posted on here before that I have a bicornuate uterus. That means it is heart shaped. Once they opened me up and had Cade out, my doctor confirmed that the outside of the uterus was also heart shaped and not just the inside of it. It's highly possible that my body was not letting myself go into labor naturally because due to the odd shape of the uterus, it might not have been able to push the baby out. Of course they don't really know that for sure, so we'll just have to wait and see what happens with baby #2. :)

Prior to the surgery I was pretty much all freaked out as I figured I would be. My blood pressure was through the roof (for me). Once it got near the time I had calmed down, but then they came in to say we got bumped because another lady in labor ended up needing to have an emergency c-section. So the surgery that was supposed to start at 8am didn't start until after 10am. I actually didn't get all jazzed up again and was able to stay fairly calm. So that was fine.

They had me walk into the operating room while Doyle had to stay behind until they had me all setup. I pretty much was freaked out once my body started going numb. I have this weird habit of needing to be able to wiggle my toes at all times. I have no idea why, but I sort of feel trapped if I'm not able to wiggle my toes. So anyway, once my legs started going numb and I tried wiggling my toes, I was just all weirded out not being able to.

Finally they let Doyle come in and hold my hand. I'm just glad they never told me when they were actually starting. I could feel my body being jostled around during the prep time and they had a sheet covering everything so I couldn't see anything. The next thing I knew was I heard one of the doctors saying something about "there's the water". Then Doyle tries to take his hand away and of course I'm holding onto it for dear life. Then he tells me that I've got to let go of his hand because my water had broke and was running all over the floor towards our camera. So I let go just long enough for him to pick the camera up. Then I felt them pull Cade out and it was like this weight had been lifted out of me. He immediately started crying so that's when I knew for sure he had been born! Everyone in the room was like... "wow, he's huge"!!

They cleaned him up really quick and then brought him over so I could see him. Then they took him back and finished up whatever they needed to do. They brought him back again maybe 10 minutes later for good. Then he was all ours!

Here are some pictures from the delivery room...

Cade was nice and pink so that was really good

And this is Daddy cutting the umbilical cord

They wrapped Cade up before handing back to Doyle.

This is our first family photo with Cade!

This is one of my favorite newborn pictures of Cade. Too bad it has my blood pressure wrap in it.

Here is Cade and Daddy...

And Cade and mommy...

And Cade going home!

Okay, that's it for this posting! There will be more posts later!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Cummer Gardens & Finished Baby's Room

Saturday I was feeling fairly energetic so we headed downtown to the Landing. We were planning on walking the path around the river but after we were there for about half an hour, the clouds came and blocked the sun and it turned really chilly. So we had lunch and then decided to do some walking at the Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens. They had a traveling Egyptian exhibit that we thought sounded very interesting. We ended up being a little disappointed in its size, but of course we are both used to the extremely large museums in D.C. The below picture is the Cummer Oak. You probably can't tell but it was at least 5 feet wide... very beautiful!

We thought these were really adorable statues too... from behind and front

Here I am, showing just how low he has gotten.
I'm sure these gardens are even more beautiful when in full bloom.
Okay, now on to the updated baby room pics...

Okay, that's about it! We don't have anything else planned for the room. It's taken me forever to get these pictures uploaded today for some reason. Usually they go pretty quickly but the site must be having issues today. So I'm going to call it a day and get off of this computer. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Sorry for the long pause!

Okay, we are back! No, we didn't go anywhere but so many things have been going on recently that I just didn't feel like getting on here and posting away as usual. Most of you know that my mom just went through her third open heart surgery (valve replacement). That was definitely a not fun time and we are all very happy that she is finally home and recovering very well now. It really sounds like she is working very hard with her therapy to completely recover from her stroke. So things are really looking up! She'll be holding her new grandson with ease... that is if this kid will ever come out and make his presence known! :)
I've got some older pictures that I haven't posted yet. So let me do those now and then Doyle will have to take some new pictures of me today that I can post on here later. The two pictures below were taken Super Bowl Sunday. We had gone to my bosses house for the big event and then came home to take the pictures. He recently had a room added above their garage. I have no idea how large that screen was, but let's just say Doyle was very envious of that room!
These next pictures were taken around the middle of February. We've done even more to the baby's room since then, so I need to get in there and take more pictures so you can see what we think is the finished product. Again, we just need the baby! :)Mom made the jumbo net hanging behind the crib. It's full of toys already! Mom also made the baby afghan that is hanging on the back of the crib.
We've got the stroller in the room for now and beside that is the glider. The glider will go in our room as from the many reviews of it that I have read, fussy babies love sleeping in it. We also have the bassinet in our room too, but if he ends up prefering the glider, so be it!
This was after the shower my friends through for me at work. We also received many other items that we had already put away. This kid shouldn't be running out of clothes any time soon! We've also got around 300 diapers. So we should be good there for a little while anyway.

Oh yeah, I just remembered some other pictures that we just recently received from Christmas too. Remember when we stopped by our friends house in Cincinnati on the drive up? Well, we just got those pics so of course I have to post them! Man, I can't believe how much smaller I was at Christmas time!

Pete, Rosanna, me and Doyle

And we had to get a pic of just the girls

And you know the guys had to do something hilarious... I thought this was way too funny not to post! It was so good seeing Pete & Rosanna again!

Okay, that's it for now. I promise to take more pictures today of myself and the baby's room. So check back tomorrow!