Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Ruth's Chris Steakhouse

Well, last night I had a business dinner at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse in Ponte Vedra. We met at 6pm and talked business until 8pm, then we ordered! I was pretty hungry by then. I ordered the petite filet cooked medium and had creamed spinach, mushrooms and garlic mashed potatoes. It was really good. I didn’t get home until 9:30pm and was pretty wired. So I ended up staying up until 11pm, which is really late for me. Especially these days because my alarm has been going off at 5am in order to be at work by 7am.

This morning though my stomach didn’t feel too hot. I’m not sure if it’s because I ate really rich tasting food last night, ate late, or what. I normally eat my steak cooked medium well, so I’m not sure if my stomach liked the fact that it was more pink than I normally eat. Or… it could be the fact that I’m sitting most of the day getting cross-trained for the insurance department reports that I’m going to have to do from now on until I replace the manager. Really, it could be a combination of all of that stuff.

Tonight I had to work late to learn a software upload from external financial sources. Each section takes a while before you can click on the next one. And you couldn’t start any of it until everyone logged out of the system at 5pm. I’m actually writing this blog update from work while I wait to start the next update on the software. Then I’ll only have to cut and paste it online when I finally get home.

I have another business dinner scheduled for Wednesday night as well. I’m fairly certain we will be heading to Ruth’s Chris again. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good steak every now and then, but I don’t necessarily need to eat it twice in one week! Especially since I’m still not feeling too well from what I may have eaten last night. Doyle would love for me to order another steak tomorrow night though. What I should have done last night was to order the regular filet and eaten half, then given Doyle the rest of it. He would have loved that. We’ll see how I feel tomorrow night. I’m thinking I’m going to end up ordering fish instead though. We'll see!

1 comment:

Dossett's from Ohio said...

Sounds to me it could have been a little eating to late and a lot of stress in your life with trying to get a new manager and getting your work done to your best. Take it easy Aimee. To much work makes Aimee stressed? Fish is good and mild on the stomach. Take care!! Love Ya!! Aunt Ila