Saturday, May 10, 2008

Another update...

Sorry for the delay in postings! I got busy with work and Cade of course. Here are a few pictures taken over the past couple of weeks. This first set of pictures I was playing around with different features on the camera again. I thought they turned out pretty cool.

I threw a surprise baby shower for a friend of mine at work. One of our co-workers also bakes really cool cakes. This is the one she made this time. She never makes the same one twice either! Or at least not to bring into the office anyway.

And here's Cade being cute as usual... yes, he's still got his beautiful blue eyes!

I may have already posted this pic before, but it's just so cute!

Okay, the boy just woke up from his nap so I better go get him. Have a great Mother's Day Weekend!

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