Friday, May 30, 2008

Happy Belated Birthdays!!

Grandpa Thrash celebrated his birthday on May 26th and G-ma celebrated her birthday on May 29th! Happy Belated Birthday to you both! :)

We've been busy this week playing the new Wii Balance Board or Fit Board or whatever you want to call it. It is so much fun!! Cade is in bed right now and Doyle is taking a turn playing on it. So I thought I would get on here and update the blog with some pictures from tonight. Daddy gave Cade a bath while mommy linked the Tivo to Amazon Unbox. That's so we can rent or purchase movies through Amazon and have them downloaded to our Tivo box. Cool!

Naked butt! I was trying to get a shot of his huge tummy but he was moving around too quick!

Then daddy was trying to get Cade's jammies on him and Cade didn't really want to have anything to do with that.

Finally, success! The shirt is on! :)
A little later this is where we found him... this is one of his favorite passtimes!
Taking all of the diapers out of the storage area!
And of course he didn't want to have anything to do with putting them away.
He wanted to just sit and read a book while mommy put them away.
That's it for tonight. I beat Doyle at boxing... woohoo! It must have been the years of kickboxing classes. :) But okay, he beat me at the Super Hoola Hoop. Ha!! But it's true! Have a great night!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Today's Accident!

So I'm sitting at work this morning and my phone rings just before 10:30am. It was the daycare. Cade fell while coming back into the building after playing outside and had a huge goose egg on his forehead! They thought it was bad enough that they wanted me to come pick him up and take him to the doctor to have it checked out, just in case.

When I first got there, it did look horrible. He's gotten bumps on the head before, but this one had a lot of blood behind it. So it already was a bluish purple behind the bump. It sounded like one of the 3 year old came running behind Cade and got pushed over. The floor in the hallway right now is just those laminate square tiles over concrete. So it's very unforgiving. All of the kids rooms have carpeting, which is why this doesn't happen more often.

They tell me that they can't accept him back that day without a doctor's release. So Cade and I set out towards his pediatrician's office. I call them and they go through a serious of questions concerning how Cade is acting now and at the time of the accident. They think he sounds fine and proceed to tell me that the doctor is booked. So if I want someone to see him that I'll have to take him to a walk-in clinic or the hospital.

At this point in time I turn the car around and head back to the office. I figured I would get a 2nd opinion on how bad it looks from my friends there that have children. As it turned out, by the time we got there, which was about 10 minutes, the bump had gone down considerably. So that was a good sign.

My boss was in the board room in a meeting until almost 12:30pm. We had a few items that needed to get taken care of, by me, before I could just leave and go home. So Cade and I visited and hung out for his meeting to end. At that point, we got started on the filing I needed to submit to the SEC. I also had our external auditors in our office today and I had to attend a conference call, in which I was the main interviewee, all while Cade was sitting on my lap trying to grab all my paperwork! That was fun. He was fairly quiet sitting on my lap but would shriek if I tried to put him on the floor. Our company gives these monthly freebie gifts when you come into the building on our Safety Thursday's. Most of the time they are spongy stress reliever type items. So I had a ton of those that kept Cade occupied for a little while anyway.

About the last 30 minutes that we were there, Cade found a box of paperclips in my desk and proceeded to take one out at a time and hand to me. Each time I would accept it, he would yell some garbled string of who knows what. Pretty much if you were on the 5th floor and on my side of the building... you knew someone's child was there!

I did take a few pictures this evening. You can barely see the coloring now and the bump is almost gone completely. He did, however, miss his graduation night! Had he been older and thought it was an important event not to miss, we would have gone. But it was raining and was closer to Ponte Vedra, so I really didn't feel like driving all the way out there in the bad weather. Here are the pictures I took this evening. The bump is at his hairline, between his nose and eye.

After talking to Doyle just a few minutes ago, he reminded me of the aromatherapy bath salts he got me a few weeks ago. Oh yeah, my sinuses are acting up. My head feels like splitting whenever I bend over to pick something up... like a child. :)

So I think I'm going to take his suggestion and go relax. It's been a very long week and not one of Cade's best or mine! I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day Weekend.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Okay, so yes, the marks on Cade's leg were child bites! Sorry for not updating everyone on that sooner. So tonight I go pick Cade up and they tell me there was ANOTHER incident!! This time, Cade was sitting at the picnic table inside eating breakfast. This kid gets dropped off and they said he just walked up behind Cade and bit him on the back of his head!! I honestly couldn't believe it! Needless to say, tomorrow will be this kid's last day. Apparently he has a sibling in the VPK class who is graduating tomorrow and they don't want her to miss her graduation. I'm going to take Cade to graduation also. Apparently they are are putting together a little performance so I really want to see that. I'm sure he will have fun. I plan to put it on video since Daddy will miss it.

Anyway, I actually couldn't tell where Cade had gotten bitten this time. So that was good. However, you can still see the marks on his leg plus it looks a little bruised as well.

Okay, I'm exhausted from this long week so I'm going to get off here. Oh yeah... I was so excited that David Cook won American Idol! woohoo! :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Update on Cade's leg

I looked at Cade's leg this morning and the marks are still in the same spot and haven't gotten any bigger BUT have lightened drastically. You can still see them, but they are more of a pale pink now. I'm really beginning to suspect they are children's bite's. The marks on his wrist are completely gone. Thank you all so much for responding so quickly! I really appreciate it! I'm definitely going to show the daycare. Cade has been bitten before and they always fill out paperwork for me to sign. I'm sure this time since they didn't see it, they won't know for sure who did it. I'll come back to this post and put any update that comes from speaking with the daycare. Thanks again!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I need help! What is this???

Okay, so I picked Cade up at Daycare tonight and immediately noticed some red marks on one of his arms. Initially it had white marks in the middle with swollen red skin around it. There were a group of them so I thought he had gotten bit by a bug or something. I showed a couple employees there and one person suggested I keep an eye on it because it kind of looked like a circular pattern that might be ringworm of some sort. I thought great. So we came on home.

Then when I pulled Cade out of his car seat I noticed more red marks on one of his legs. I'm attaching those pictures here. Let me know what you think they are. Do you think they are just child bites, bug bites, ringroom or what??? I'm confused and thought what better way than to ask some other moms!

Also keep in mind that Cade's antbiotic says "may cause sun sensitivity". Does that have anything to do with this possibly? Okay, gotta go get this boy to bed. Let me know what you think!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Cade's First Boo Boo

On Thursday evening, Doyle and Cade headed to get the mail. Well, Cade took off quicker than he should have. He bit the dust. Doyle said he didn't even cry. He just looked shocked, probably because of the look Doyle had on his face right after it happened. I came home just a few minutes later and they were out in the yard, poor Cade's nose was a little bloody. Or I should say his upper lip was bloody and the skin on his nose was just all skinned up. Here he is tonight, several days later. I took these pictures tonight because I couldn't find the camera all weekend. :)

The above picture is right after Cade said "uh-oh". That's his new word.

Even with his wounds, he's still cute!

I just missed getting a shot of Cade sticking his tongue out. This shot was pretty funny too though!

Cade has also been teething this past week and has had diarrhea since Sunday. Poor baby!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day 2008!!

Happy Mother's Day everyone!!! My morning started out great... Cade let me sleep till just after 7am! That's a record for quite a while! It was so nice! Plus Cade was in a great mood. He would laugh and smile really big whenever I told him it was "mommy's day". He thought that was funny! Here are a few pictures of our day together.

Yes, Cade decided to make quite the mess this morning. He apparently thought smearing the food onto his high chair and then licking his hands was the best way to eat.

Below are the rest of the pictures, we definitely had fun!

We hope you all had a Happy Mother's Day too!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Another update...

Sorry for the delay in postings! I got busy with work and Cade of course. Here are a few pictures taken over the past couple of weeks. This first set of pictures I was playing around with different features on the camera again. I thought they turned out pretty cool.

I threw a surprise baby shower for a friend of mine at work. One of our co-workers also bakes really cool cakes. This is the one she made this time. She never makes the same one twice either! Or at least not to bring into the office anyway.

And here's Cade being cute as usual... yes, he's still got his beautiful blue eyes!

I may have already posted this pic before, but it's just so cute!

Okay, the boy just woke up from his nap so I better go get him. Have a great Mother's Day Weekend!