Okay, so it's been awhile since my last post. My parents came into town a couple of days after I got back from New York and I just haven't had the chance to get online much. They are still sleeping so I figured now was a good time to catch up!
The trip got off to a rocky start. Delta cancelled our flight the night before and did not notify us. At hearing this, my boss wanted to just cancel the whole trip, but we ended up finding seats on Continental. Of course, the tickets cost just over $1K a piece, but we are apparently worth it. :)
We, meaning me, my boss and my first boss at Landstar met up with our CFO and our old KPMG partner for dinner at Ben Benson's. I had a terrible headache and it definitely showed. I had taken 3 advil as soon as we got to the hotel but it hadn't kicked in yet. As soon as we walked in to the restaurant, our CFO took one look at me and wanted to know what was wrong. So I obviously wasn't looking too good! Anyway, I think I had the headache because I hadn't drank much water at all that whole day and hadn't had much to eat. I felt nauseated from the advil on an empty stomach to boot. By the time the food arrived, it was probably around 9:30pm. Once I got some water and food in me, I felt so much better.
Thursday morning I got up and went to the conference. We broke for lunch and went to a pub nearby. Let's just say we didn't end up going back to the conference for the rest of the day! It was fun to hang out in NY. My friend Michele ended up meeting up with us at our hotel and we all hung out at the reception that followed the conference. It was so good to see her again! Only I didn't have my camera with me so I didn't get any pictures of us together. Too bad we couldn't have spent more time together. We also met up with some FASB folks, including the head honcho there and we all went to dinner at Ruth's Chris. The steaks there were fabulous. So much better than at Ben Benson's. We had to hang out there waiting for a table for quite awhile. There were ten of us. So by the time we finished eating there it was around 11pm. So we literally were out from around 1pm for lunch and didn't stop until 11pm! After dinner I was a gonner. I was so tired and just wanted to head back to the hotel, so I did.
Friday morning I got up and went to the conference. My boss was the only other one to make it up that early. He decided at 10am to go take a nap and said I could as well. Well, I wasn't really that tired and I hadn't seen the usual spots I like to hit while in NY so I decided to go for a walk. It was so much colder than I was used to! I got to see the tree being set up at Rockefeller Center. That was cool. I also did some window shopping down 5th Avenue and walked through the Diamond district. I've never seen so many jewelry stores that close together before! I don't know how you would decide which one to go into, because there were too many to want to go in all of them. I also went into the NBC Experience store to warm up. It's been years since I've been in there.
Okay, so I'm going to go ahead and post some pictures that I took. I do love visiting NY. I would love to get Doyle there and stay a long weekend or something. Maybe next year.