Saturday, December 29, 2007

The snow storm & Amish country!

This is the tree in front of Butch & Ila's house. It is so cute! The snow started falling Saturday late afternoon I think. This picture was taken on Sunday after the storm ended. Butch plowed the driveway out twice because it had drifted back before we left.
This is their backyard.
I thought this picture with the sun was really neat.
Here we are on the treck back to my parents house.
This was what the roads looked like in parts. Doyle did a great job of keeping the rental car on the road.
I think his eyes just might stay blue!
And then we hit the Amish on the road. Mom and dad said the Amish gather at one anothers house for church on Sunday's and stay until early evening. We caught quite a few families on the road. The weather is incredibly cold and the roads were bad. I was really surprised to see them out and about.

This is one of my favorite pics! I thought it turned out really well.
The lines are from out the back window. I know, they suck!

This family is using 2 umbrellas to shield themselves from the wind.

I thought this picture was cool too.
We were able to get our annual backseat car picture. Only we've got a hidden Cade instead of Aunt Ila!
I need to learn how to crop the rear view mirror out of this pick too.

Okay, that was it! I still need to upload the pictures from my camera from Christmas Day, but I'm pretty sure those will be next! Happy Holidays!!!

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