Monday, May 21, 2007

Two Month Doctor's Appt

Today was Cade's first immunization appointment. All in all, I think it went pretty well. He is now 14lbs 1.5 oz's and is 25 1/4 inches tall! That puts him in the 97 percentile for length and 90 percentile for weight! He's still on track for being a big boy! I needed to buy Cade some new socks this past weekend because he had outgrown the ones he had. Actually, he was never able to wear some of the smaller ones he had received because his first were big to begin with!
Here are some pics from after today's appointment...

He received two shots on his left leg and one on his right.

Then he said no more pictures mama!

It's been a couple of hours now since we've been home and he's just started crying out a few times. If he continues this... I think it might be pain from the shots so I'll give him some Tylenol. His pediatrician recommended it. Hopefully this will be it and we all will get some good sleep tonight. Wishful thinking??? We'll see! :)


Dossett's from Ohio said...

Cade, you are Aunt Ila's big boy and I cannot wait to get there and give you some hugs!!! Soon!!

Mouse said...

You're a good momma, mom!! He's absolutely perfect!! I'm going to be in Orlando in September and would love to be able to get up to Jacksonville to see you and that future linebacker.