Saturday, January 20, 2007

Week 32 Doctors appt and follow up

Okay, so I had my week 32 doctors appointment on Thursday. The doctor said he wanted to go ahead and get me an appointment with the high risk specialists again to get an updated ultrasound. This is mainly because of my heart shaped uterus (bi-cornuate). So I went to that appointment on Friday.

Everything looked good! The baby is in delivery position (head down and no longer breach)! So that was really good news. The baby is weighing in at 5 lbs already! So they are definitely expecting him to be bigger than average. The statistic they gave me was that he was bigger than 7 out of 10 babies. The nurse gave me the song and dance speech that if I didn't want to have a big baby then I needed to cut out all sweets and starches and get a lot of exercise. Well, I see that as being nearly impossible but I'll do my best. How else am I supposed to get all that wheat & grains in my system?

The ultrasounds are definitely picking up more details now because the baby is just so much bigger. When she first turned it on, the baby was looking right at us. He was practicing his breathing so you could see his mouth open and close. Plus he would open and close his eyes a little bit too. It was really cute! His face looks so chubby already! The nurse pointed out little fat rolls on his legs too. She also pointed out she thinks he has a lot of hair. Although she said that blonde fuzz kinda looks the same as hair, so we'll still have to wait and see what he ends up coming out with.

I've got my regular OB appointment in two weeks and the high risk people want to see me back in 4 weeks. So we'll get to have another ultrasound and see how much bigger he's gotten by then.

Thursday night was also the first birthing class. Doyle didn't get home until Friday around 6pm so he missed both doctors appointments and the birthing class. He'll get to make this next weeks birthday class and according to his schedule, he'll be able to make next month's ultrasound too. So that is good.

The birthday class was really informative... plus we got a big bag of freebies, which is always nice. Amazingly enough, I haven't even gone through the whole bag yet. I did see some diapers in there and a big book on the whole delivery process and the various stages of it. So I'll definitely want to read that. St. Luke's Hospital has a whole separate building called "The Birthing Place" or something like that. Anyway, they have suites that you get to stay in while you are there delivering. It all happens in the same room unless you end up needing a c-section. And the baby and Doyle can stay in my room also. Visitors have to leave by 9pm - 9am each night, but husbands aren't considered visitors. So that's good.

The other big fiasco we had this week was poor Kit. Remember last weekend I posted a picture of Kit with the cone on? Well, Thursday night when I got home, I opened the back door to let him in and he immediately started scooting around the living room floor on his butt! I was like... KIT! What are you doing?!! So after finally getting him somewhat settled down, I took a flashlight and looked around his bottom area. What I found was not a pretty sight. He apparently had gotten itchy around his genitals (sac) area and had been scooting around the pool on the concrete. It was all swollen and bloody. I felt so bad for him!

So Friday morning the vets office opened at 7:30am and I dropped him off. They ended up giving him a cortisone shot that should stop the itching and should last for a month. They also gave him antibiotic pills to help clear up any infection he may have gotten from the various places he had sores. The place on his butt beside his tail was all scabbed over but the scab hadn't started to come off yet. I'm sure that will be pleasant when it does. That area is probably a good 2 x 3 inches of pure scab with no hair. The poor thing. When I came home on Friday he seemed to be in a much happier mood. The vet said it might take 12 to 24 hours for the cortisone to kick in completely. So we've left the cone on still, just in case he tries to dig and bite himself.

And just a quick recap on Doyle's training... he finally got to fly the aircraft he'll be in... on last Thursday. He said he really liked it. They took off from Columbus and landed in Toledo where they had lunch catered. They also flew over Mansfield, OH, but I can't remember if he said they landed there or not. They probably did. He learned that that is where they filmed the movie "The Shawshank Redemption", which is one of Doyle's favorite movies. I didn't know they had filmed it there. Apparently the prison is only 5 miles or so from the airport. I've driven through Mansfield several times but I don't think I've ever stopped there.

Okay, that's about it for now. I'll get Doyle to take some pictures of me this weekend and I'll post them on here. I'm feeling pretty good these days so hopefully we'll get out of the house this weekend and get some shopping done. I hope you have a great weekend too!

Love, Aimee

1 comment:

Dossett's from Ohio said...

Really good news to hear. Baby doing well and you to. So happy for Doyle too!!! Looking forward to seeing pictures. Love Ila