Sunday, November 12, 2006

Our First Baby Purchases!

Okay, so last weekend we headed out of the house to run some errands and saw someone in our development had a yard sale going on. I saw some large baby toys sitting out and proclaimed loudly that I wanted to stop. So we did and I found 4 little outfits that I just thought were too cute not to buy. She only wanted $1 for each. I wish she had had more! Here is my favorite... and I'm sure you can tell why!

All four of these outfits are labeled 3-6 months, but they still are all different sizes. I guess I'll be getting used to that soon enough. Here are the rest of the outfits.

And the weekend before that, while Doyle was in Columbus for training. Oh wait a minute, I don't think I ever have mentioned that Doyle found a great job! He'll be flying for NetJets and be based out of West Palm Beach. The benefits that he's talked about so far seem really great. It sounds like a great company to work for. Hopefully he really ends up liking it! He'll be flying a corporate jet, hauling around head honchos, celebrities and stars. Let's just say he better not ever fly around Patrick Dempsey or I'm going to be jealous! :)

Okay, so anyway, back to my original story. So when Doyle was doing his training in Columbus for that, I decided to do some maternity shopping. Penney's was having this door buster sale so I got up and got there Saturday morning around 8:30am. I found a few things and walked up to the cash register. Well, the lady ended up telling me that I was $1.05 short for getting $10 off. At first I looked through the pajama section to see if I could find something there but I'm certain they will all be too short in the legs. So I decided to hop on over to the infant department. There I found this funny bib. It was only $3 I think. So it totally worked out.

We also bought a glider I want to say... maybe a month or so ago? Diane sent us a coupon booklet and that's when we say they had this one on sale. We couldn't beat the price so we went ahead and bought it. Let me just say, we got this before we found out it was to be a boy. I'm telling you, we both just knew it was going to be a boy! And if it hadn't been, then I was going to recover it.

Next on our purchase list was the crib! We had already decided we liked the one at Target. Well, when I went to order it online it said that shipping charges were going to be $120 or so for each piece! So I thought... well that might just change our minds about liking this one better over the black one from Babies-R-Us. So one day at lunch I printed out a list of all the Target's in the Jacksonville area. It was a good day for me because the 2nd store I called, had it! They set it aside for us and Doyle picked it up later that day.

We have decided to keep it on this wall but have moved it a little farther away from the side wall. I want to make sure I can get on the side to help change the sheets. I hear that's just going to be a lovely job. Poor Doyle didn't know he needed to put the crib height on the highest level. So he fixed that yesterday. This is also a convertible bed. It will turn into a toddler bed with little side rails for the front. And then you can remove all rails in the front. And eventually it turns into a standard size bed.

Back to when Doyle was in training. Since I've been used to having my husband prepare our meals, I figured I had better make a couple of big items to eat off of while he was gone. Two of the dishes I remembered to take pictures of. The first one is Baked Ziti. I ended up freezing most of this because it made so much. Doyle actually just took one of the frozen bags out this week and ate it for lunch. He really liked it too.

The 2nd meal I made was Chicken Enchilada Casserole. I really loved this. I've decided I can convert the recipe into a crockpot meal and take it to our next potluck. I've got some of this frozen in the freezer still too. I know Doyle is going to love it when he tries it.

Okay and last but not least... I've had SO many requests for pictures of myself so everyone can see my belly progress. Well, if you ask me, when I look at myself naked I would swear that I'm ready to deliver at any moment. Seems you put clothes on me and it isn't quite as apparent. I've been told by many that I'll get much larger which I'm sure I will.

And here is more of a side profile...

Also appearing in the picture is the turtle we bought down in St. Augustine on my birthday. Doyle painted it a metallic blue to bring color to the pool area. I really love this turtle. He's so cute! So as you can see in the pictures, I think my arms and legs have gotten even skinnier and obviously the weight is shifting to my belly. Last night I was getting dressed for bed and Doyle busted out laughing that I reminded him of National Geographic. We both laughed so hard! Kit hasn't seemed to notice but Snickers constantly wants to sleep right on my stomach. I'm not sure if he can smell pregnancy hormones or if he just likes sleeping on the highest perch. :)

That's all the news I have for today. Have a great rest of your weekend!

1 comment:

Dossett's from Ohio said...

Loved the outfits and the bib was so funny. Furniture is looking great and good to get ready so don't have to rush into it when your bigger and not in the mood. You look beautiful Aimee. Maybe Snickers like feeling the baby move. So much fun time ahead!!!!!!