Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Merry Christmas wishes and a Happy New Year!!

We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! For the first time in at least 7 years, Doyle got to be home on Christmas Day! Our schedules really worked out great together for a change. Doyle got to come home the Wednesday before Christmas. I had to work on Thursday but I got to leave early. Then I didn't have to be back to work until Tuesday and Doyle had to go back today (Wednesday). So we had a full 4 days together without either of us having to work. It was so nice! I don't think we've had that much time alone together in our own house before. It was much needed play time for the pets as well. They were still trying to get over us leaving them for a week to visit our families up north. By now though, they seem to have adjusted well.

We are looking forward to having Steve, Erica & Claudia here for New Year's Eve. We are still waiting to hear if Doyle's reserve day for the 1st will get approved for him to drop it. His January schedule had him having every weekend off, which was good, but it did have him working on January 1st. So we'll see what happens there.

The other not so good news is that we are still waiting to here what will happen with Independence Air. By law, they had to send out furlough letters to all the pilots and flight attendants. The letter just states that if the company doesn't receive the necessary financing then the company will close as of Jan. 7th. This isn't new information, but it seems more real to have it sent to the house and read it in print. We of course are still hoping for the best, whatever that may be. At this point, we are just ready to take the plunge to a new employer for Doyle if we need to. There really is only so much of the "not knowing" that one can take. It will be a very sad though if the company closes for good.

Okay, now to bring up the mood a little, at least my job is extremely secure and the company is very profitable. Let's hope it says that way for a long while to come.

We also want to thank everyone for sending us so many Christmas cards! We've got them covering the entry way into the red room, right beside the Christmas tree. That wall looks very festive!

Again, we want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and hope you all have a Happy New Year!!!

1 comment:

Dossett's from Ohio said...

Your pictures do show how festive your house is and love your new tree. Glad Doyle and you had much needed time together. Coming up north and traveling so much to see us all we all loved it and your much need your quality time to. We are sure another job will come Doyle's way and be bigger & better. Love Ila