Thursday, September 21, 2006

15th Week Appt

Today we went to see the doctor again for our normally scheduled appointment. I have officially gained 1 pound! To look at me without clothes on though, you would swear I had gained more. Not that you are going to get that chance though! :)

They took blood and checked my vitals as usual. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat again and it sounded really good. My next appointment will be in another 4 weeks. That's when we get the next ultrasound. The doctor told us today that as long as I don't have any out of the ordinary symptoms or pain, then this will be our last ultrasound. As long as we can hear the heartbeat at each appointment, that's good enough for me. I'm thinking about getting one of those heart beat monitors. I've seen a few different ones online. They are kind of like a stethoscope you put on your tummy and have headphones so you can hear what's going on inside. That would be very reassuring to hear that everything is going as it should be.

You can check out our baby game poll at and type in "BabyCooper1" as the game name. There you will get to say what you think we we will be having and take part in some fun polls. There is also a message board for any baby chatting you feel like participating in.

Oh yes, we did purchase our tickets to head to NJ in November. So we are looking forward to seeing Doyle's side of the family then. We'll see my family over Christmas, but haven't purchased those tickets yet.

No other real news at this point. Just wanted to keep you all updated!

Love, Aimee

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