Saturday, August 22, 2009

Another visit with the Villano's in Palm Coast!

Jim & Heather brought Mary down to Stetson and took a little vacation in Palm Coast. Doyle went down one day during the week to see them. I unfortunately had to work. It sounds like they had a good time!

Doyle, Ethan, Jesse, Jim & Heather
Doyle & Jim

Easy to see they were having a great time.

Ramiro was there too!

Saturday we all went down.

Dylan too!

Just goofing off...

cute couple huh?!

How many guys does it take to put a train set together?

Ethan and Cade had a great time playing together.

Dylan was mesmerized by Jim...!


Jesse holding Dylan... aw! And Jesse did a great job of making some killer hotdogs!
Okay, that's it for now. Oh yeah, I bought a new camera last weekend too! I've been taking pictures with it all week and really like it. We'll see how they turn out when I upload them to the computer! I'll try to get on the computer tomorrow morning and do that. We'll see. Hopefully they turn out pretty sharp. The new camera is a 12.1 megapixel so we'll see if there is a difference between it and the 8.0 one I have. I think the pictures above are clouded because of the humidity. At least that's what I've been blaming it on anyway! It never used to do that and it has been extremely humid out... but what else should I expect in the middle of summer in Florida?!! :)

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Play date at San Marco Park

The kids and I met Laura, William and Allison at the San Marco Park last weekend. Here is William and Cade at the beginning of the play date... yes, it was terribly hot out. Cade wasn't into posing for the camera but William did a great job!

The double slide was a major fun thing to play on. Laura brought a bunch of balls too. So they were trying to throw them up the slide.

The swings were of course another major hit.

I was actually holding Allison when I took this picture. I totally forgot to get a picture of her or Dylan! I'll make sure I do that the next time. For the most part, the girls just slept in their strollers until it was almost time to leave. Then they both decided they were hungry.

We all had a great time! Too bad it was so stinking hot out that day. We need to plan another play date but inside the next time! It was great seeing Laura and William again and finally meeting Allison!! Laura looks great for just having had a baby!!!
Here we are back at the house!

We are so lucky that Dylan is such a happy baby!

Doyle set up the choo choo train and Cade has been loving that.

We got out the mat and both kids were having fun playing on it.

Yes Cade... we see you flexing those muscles!

tummy time!
cutie pie as usual! and the below pictures I think are priceless!

I know... aw!!!!!!
smiley girl
I think Cade thought Dylan was getting too much attention so he was telling her to stop!
He's a cutie pie too!

And now one of Dylan's first milestones... she sits up!!!

She was so cute and was very proud of herself too!

Okay, that's it for now. Hope you enjoyed the pics! And on a side note, Cade is doing a fantastic job of using the potty this morning. He's doing okay at school too. I drop him off before his teacher gets there and the ladies that are there at that time don't do the "do you have to potty" every 20 minutes or so thing. So he's consistently been having accidents before his teacher gets there around 9am. Not sure why they haven't caught on as to what they need to do with him but they just haven't. And it's the same ladies in there every day too! Oh well. He's been getting better at telling me when he has to go, or at least he has done that all morning today anyway. So hopefully he will start to tell them too.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Potty Training is a Success (so far anyway)!

Grandma made Cade a penguin and gave it to him while we were all up NJ. I had failed to mention that my parents drove to NJ to watch the kids so that Doyle and I could attend his cousin's "no kids invited" wedding. From the sounds of it, Cade gave them a run for their money. I think he was just really freaked out being someplace new and being apart from both of us. We shouldn't run into this situation again anytime soon. So that's good!

Now, back to the story of the penguin! Cade just loves this penguin! We started trying to potty train him a few days after we got back from NJ. He had been fine sitting on the toilet for several months now but had not gone in it except at school. Friday evening I came home from work and Cade had apparently pooped and peed in his underwear a few times since Doyle picked him up from daycare that afternoon. To make a long story short, I made him sit in his poopie underwear just one time and that was apparently the trick! Right after that, he did a great job of using the toilet! He's had his accidents too of course, but for the most part, he's doing an absolutely wonderful job!

I had to be in Ann Arbor/Detroit for 3 days so Doyle got to be here all by himself to take care of the kids. He still took them to daycare of course, because he said he wanted to keep them on their regular schedules. Well, I really can't blame him. I would probably drop them off at daycare for a few hours myself on the weekends if that was an option! That is when I'm home alone. Those can definitely be some tiring days! Anyway, back to the poo! One of the times that Cade went to the bathroom by himself, he actually pooped in the toilet too! I am very proud of our boy at only 2 years and 4 months old!

Okay, so on with the pics! "Potty" penguin helped a great deal in getting Cade to sit on the toilet every 20 minutes or so. Usually you would ask Cade if he needed to go pee and he would say no. Then you would ask him if the penguin needed to go and he would say yes. So off the 3 of us would go!

And afterwards, Cade and I both would give the penguin many, many kisses to congratulate him on using the potty!

Here's Cade giving Potty the Penguin a congratulatory kiss! Sorry no pictures of Cade sitting on the toilet! We are respecting his privacy! :)

Cade wanted to go swimming yesterday morning.

Yep, the tummy is still there!

I stayed out with the baby while Doyle and Cade had a good time!

Cade is getting better about putting his face in the water too!

Having tons of fun!


Dylan and I hung out at the back door watching.

Cade points out the gecko. There were several running around.

One... two... three... wee!!!!!

Dadda got a good arm workout!

Cutie pie!

The funny thing about this picture is not just Dylan's expression, but the fact that Cade's tummy is sticking out and got in the pic too! Ha!!!

Aunt Kathy & Uncle Dan got Dylan this adorable little sunflower outfit. I just love on her! The hat is priceless!!

Okay, well really, it's the baby girl that is priceless! :)

And here's Cade showing off his new undies!

momma's boy!

and momma's girl!

Here's dadda and Cade enjoying our new dual recliner! Doyle bought me two diamond anniversary bands and I bought him this new recliner for our 5th wedding anniversary. He's the one that suggested we make his a dual instead of a single. So really, I get to enjoy both gifts! :)

Dirty boy face Cade says he gives his approval for the recliner as well!
Cade has had fevers for the past couple of days. He started getting a cold Friday evening and it became full blown on Saturday. Doyle is starting to not feel so great himself. He was up with Cade around 5 am and let me sleep in until around 6:30am. Right now, both Doyle and Cade have been taking a nap in our bed for well over the last hour. Dylan has been sleeping on me while I sit and update this. She's awake right now but they are both still fast asleep. So this has been a nice little break for me even though I was still holding her. Right now she's looking around the room and no doubt wondering where everyone is. I'm sure they will both be up soon. Cade's nap schedule is definitely going to be screwed up from this. Maybe he'll just be able to stay awake the rest of the day and go to sleep early tonight. We'll see. I guess that will all depend on how he's feeling.
Okay, gotta go change the baby's diaper! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!