Happy Mother's Day!
This afternoon I hung out by the pool with the pets while Doyle studied. He's getting ready to drive to Dallas next Saturday for his 737 certificate training. The State of Virginia has a program for displaced pilots. They will send him for training and pay all but $1K of it. He'll be gone for 2 weeks. Just our luck though, he'll be gone for Memorial Day weekend. So I'll have 3 days off and be here by myself as usual. I guess that's just how my luck goes in that department. I can't complain too much though. It's been so nice having him home every night.
I've already decided I'm going to probably work at least one day over that weekend. And one day I'll spend giving the house cleaning the house. Don't get me wrong, Doyle has been doing a very good job keeping it clean, but it could still use a woman's touch. :) And the last day of the weekend I'll spend watching chick flicks. Okay, so I'll probably watch chick flicks every night that weekend really. I've already got a ton of movies tivo'd and ready to watch. Which reminds me, I probably should look to see if any new ones come up for this week.
I went in to work yesterday afternoon while Doyle did more studying. After that, we went to see Poisidon. I always loved watching that movie when I was a kid. This version was really good too. Definitely a lot more gory than the first one. It was rated PG-13 which I'm not sure I would have given it that rating just because of all the blood and gore. I really wanted to make sure we saw it on the big screen too.
Okay, I'm ready to get off this computer again. One of these days my work will slow down and I won't mind sitting here in front of this one. Till then, it'll no doubt be short blogs unless we have something going on.
I hope everyone enjoys today! Happy Mother's Day!