I've been working a lot of extra hours this month due to quarter end close and it's budget time as well. So here is a compilation of stories that happened in the month of October, outside of picking pumpkins. Enjoy!

This seems easy enough right? Cade wanted to eat the yogurt all by himself. By the way, the daycare made these shirts and had the kids wear them this past Friday. I thought they turned out really cute.

Okay, so it got a little messy...

But he had fun doing it all by himself.

Okay, so maybe it got more than just a little messy!

Oh yes, be sure to rub it in good!

He sure seemed proud of himself!

These are the flowers my parents sent me for my birthday. They were very nice!

A couple weekends ago I noticed I couldn't hear Cade playing. So I came into our room and this is where I found him! Playing with dental floss!

I'm sure Kit didn't mind the temporary intrusion in his bed.

Doyle took on a big project of replacing some rotten wood. He did a really good job! I think all that's left is painting and some other small stuff.

Cade crawled up on the chair with me when I was on the computer. This was the first time he had ever done this and Doyle was able to grab the camera real quick. Cade never did turn around to talk to me. He apparently was just interested in finding the best seat in the house to watch cartoons! Ha!
That's it for now. Have a great rest of your weekend!